What can we do?
What can we do?
What can we do?


Stock Pilsen – Božkov, s.r.o
We helped the producers of traditional spirits with s work safety certification.

Kingspan, as
We have trained internal auditors, who will thus evaluate the performance of processes even better
throughout the organization.

Office for Civil Aviation ČR
They can now rest assured – we have trained employees in information security.

Bohemia Sekt, sro
We have trained the workers of the bubble laboratory in the requirements of the ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO 19011 standards.

Flomag, sro
We help with lab accreditation and quality system certification.

Synthomer, as
We have trained employees in the area of energy management according to ISO 50001.

CAG, sro
We successfully implemented an ISO 9001 certification project for a door manufacturer.

Garoma Plus, s.r.o
Together we introduced certification ISO 9001.

Technical services Tábor, sro
We introduced GDPR, Health and Safety
and management system. We helped win the Socially Responsible Company award.

Benefit Management, s.r.o
The benefit for Benefit is the information security certificate for our cooperation.

TÜV Austria Czech, s.r.o
We have been carrying out audits together for a long time
and third-party certification.

AAA Auto, as
We help with ISO 50001 certification and we are successful together.

Ekotez, sro
We successfully implemented the ISO 9001 certification project
and ISO 14001.
Benet Engineering, sro
Together we introduced the ISO 9001 certification
and we are preparing TISAX.

ABAS IPS Management, s.r.o
We help for a long time
with an integrated management system.

ETTEA Solutions, s.r.o
We took care of certification ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO/IEC 27001
and ISO/IEC 2000-1.

Taylorcox, sro
We help with accreditation of the certification body.

Leel Coils Europe, sro
We work together to improve the company's ecology.

Filtration Group, s.r.o
Automotive filter manufacturers
we help the industry with quality certification.

Chempex-HTE, as
We have been successfully helping with the integrated management system certification project for many years.

Hexpol Compounding Lesina, sro
We helped to set up the OSH management system.

Thermis, s.r.o
We have successfully implemented an ISO 9001 certification project for the quality manometer manufacturer.

Verlag Dashöfer, publishing house, s.r.o
We have been successfully collaborating on professional publications for many years.

UNEX, as
Thanks to us and ISO 50001 certification, they are more energy efficient.