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Management systems

We will help you build an effective quality management system. We know how to make the organization function properly.


We love the environment. We will create an effective environmental management system for you and ensure

and the activities of an ecologist.


Safety is a priority for us. We ensure complete activities in the field of occupational safety by a professionally qualified person.

Bezpečnost informací.TIF

We will develop an information security system for you, including risk analysis. You will not miss any data.


Those who save get three.  We will create an efficient management system for you

with energy and we will also provide energy activities and certification.

Společenská odpovědnost.TIF

We know, how to transparency, relationships

with partners, positive perception of the organization in society i trustworthiness.


We help you prevent, detect and address the existence of bribery in your organization.

Grade Group s.r.o

ID: 079 89 784

VAT number: CZ079 89 784

registered at the Municipal Court in Prague

section C, insert 311143, on 03/14/2019

© 2022 GradeGroup s.r.o., all rights reserved

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